Book Formatting

 Are you in need of expert book formatting services to bring your literary masterpiece to life? Search no more!

I offer comprehensive book formatting services with Atticus that will transform your manuscript into a beautifully designed book, ready for both e-book and print versions in paperback or hardcover.

What I Offer:


    • Header Design: I take care of crafting elegant and visually appealing headers that enhance the overall aesthetic of your book. These headers will not only be functional but will also resonate with the graphic design of your book.
    • Chapter Dividers: I specialize in creating stylish and unique chapter dividers that not only serve as markers but also add an artistic touch to your book’s interior design.
    • E-book and Print Versions: I provide formatting services for both e-books and print books, ensuring that your work looks its best in all formats. Whether you’re aiming for the convenience of digital reading or the tactile pleasure of a physical book, I’ve got you covered.

Why Choose My Service:


    • Artistic Interior: I understand that the interior of a book should be a reflection of its content and style. My book formatting services ensure that the art inside resonates seamlessly with the graphic design of your book.
    • Personalized Approach: I work closely with you to capture your vision and ensure that your book’s formatting aligns with your unique artistic expression.
    • Attention to Detail: I pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every element, from fonts to margins, complements your book’s overall design.
    • Timely Delivery: I value your time and strive to deliver professionally formatted books promptly.

Transform your manuscript into a professionally formatted book that captures the essence of your work.

Contact me today for a personalized consultation and a quote tailored to your needs.